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LATEST RELEASE: The ‘Passenger rail usage, October to December 2024’ statistical release has been published on 20th March 2025.
The ‘Freight rail usage and performance, October to December 2024’ statistical release has been published on 13th March 2025.
The ‘Passenger rail performance, October to December 2024’ statistical release and ‘Table 5255 - Signals passed at danger (SPADs) on the mainline’ have been published on 6th March 2025.
TOC key statistics
Rail statistics compendium
FOI and ad-hoc data requests
Passenger rail usage
Regional rail usage
Freight rail usage and performance
Estimates of station usage
Passenger rail service complaints
Delay compensation claims
Passenger satisfaction (complaints handling)
Disabled Persons Railcards
Passenger assistance
Passenger lifts at stations
Passenger rail performance
P-coded cancellations
Performance at stations
Rail fares
Rail industry finance (UK)
Rail safety
Occupational health
Common Safety Indicators
Rail infrastructure and assets
Rail environment
Asset condition
Office of Rail and Road
Other rail data
Industry groups and operators