ORR protects the interests of rail and road users. We are improving the safety, value, and performance of railways and roads, today and in the future.

Performance at stations

Periodic (4-weekly) data on punctuality and reliability of trains at stations. This management information is being collected and published by ORR for the first time. It includes the percentage of trains arriving at the station within three minutes of their scheduled arrival and the percentage of trains that were scheduled, but did not call at the station.

The timeframe for publishing this on the data portal is driven by when we receive the data and also when any queries on the validity of data are resolved. Therefore, it can take up to 15 working days after period end for the data table to be updated. The latest periodic data from Network Rail should always be treated as provisional as data can be refreshed when Network Rail and operators reconcile their records.

If you have any questions or feedback on this data, please contact rail.stats@orr.gov.uk

More passenger rail performance data on punctuality, reliability and causes of delay are available on our passenger rail performance page.

This British Sign Language video is being shown in some stations alongside advertised train performance data.