ORR protects the interests of rail and road users. We are improving the safety, value, and performance of railways and roads, today and in the future.

Guidance on reporting RIDDOR incidents

If an incident is not serious and does not require immediate attention by an inspector it should be reported using:

  • SMIS if you are a mainline railway duty holder
  • London Underground's Safety and Environment Analysis database (LUSEA), for London Underground.
  • ORR's online reporting form if you are from the tramway, light rail or heritage sectors or if you are an LUL or mainline duty holder that does not report incidents via any of the means listed above. There is no requirement to provide details to ORR if this has already been done via SMIS or LUL. Details on accessing and updating ORR's online reporting form can be found under Guidance on reporting RIDDOR incidents.